書名 |
出版社 |
版本項 |
作者 |
出版年 |
國際標準號碼 |
Conciliator differentiarvm philosophorvm et precipve medicorvm [microform] |
Thomā Septēcastrēsem & Iohannē Burster [Johannes Vurster] [pro] Lodouicus Carmelita |
[1st ed.] |
clarissimi viri Petri de Abano Patavini foeliciter incipit
1472 |
Incipit Liber cōpilatōis phisonomie [microform] |
Petrum Maufer |
a Petro padubanēsi cuius sūt tres particule particula prima in ītentōe operis & quibusdā cōibus necessariis ad hāc artem capitulū primū proemiale manifestatiuū in tentionis huius libri decisio prima in expōe cause moriue opis & ī ītētōe eius uniue
1474 |
Petri de Abano De venenis [microform] : atque eorundem commodis remediis |
ex officina Eucharij Ceruicorni Agrippinatis |
liber plane aureus per Ioannem Dryandrum
1537 |
Amusemens philosophiques sur diverses parties des sciences [microform] : et principalement de la physique et des mathematiques |
Chez J. Mossy |
par le pere Bonaventure Abat
1763 |
A treatise on the calculus of variations [microform] |
T. Ostell |
2nd ed |
by Richard Abbatt
1841 |
The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere [microform] : [second collection] : a collection of translations |
Smithsonian Institution |
by Cleveland Abbe
1891 |
Neue Apparate zur Bestimmung des Brechungs- und Zerstreuungs-vermögens fester und flüssiger Körper [microform] |
Mauke's Verlag |
von E. Abbe
1874 |
Report upon experiments and investigations to develop a system of submarine mines for defending the harbors of the United States [microform] |
G.P.O. |
submitted to the Board of Engineers by Lieut. Col. Henry L. Abbot, Corps of Engineers
1881 |
An essay on the central influence of magnetism [microform] |
Printed for the Author |
by Joel Abbot
1814 |
Exposition of the principles of Abbott's hydraulic engine [microform] : with tables to engravings, together with an illustration of the power of the wheels, heretofore used |
S.R. Hart |
by John Abbott
1835 |
Alchabitius cum commento [microform] |
Impressus P. Melchiorem Sessa, |
Nouiter impresso |
1512 |
Synthese der Zellbausteine in Pflanze und Tier [microform] : Lösung des Problems der künstlichen Darstellung der Nahrungsstoffe |
J. Springer, |
von Emil Abderhalden
1912 |
Oeuvres complètes de N.H. Abel, mathématicien [microform] |
C. Gröndahl, |
avec des notes et développements, rédigees par ordre du Roi, par B. Holmboe
1839 |
Oeuvres complètes de Niels Henrik Abel [microform] |
Grøndahl & Søn, |
Nouv. éd. publiée aux frais de l'État norvégien par L. Sylow et S. Lie |
1881 |
Pathological and practical researches on diseases of the brain and the spinal cord [microform] |
Lea and Blanchard, |
A new ed. enl. by the author |
by John Abercrombie
1843 |
Seas and skies in many latitudes, or, Wanderings in search of weather [microform] |
E. Stanford, |
by Ralph Abercromby
1888 |
Weather [microform] : a popular exposition of the nature of weather changes from day to day |
K. Paul, Trench, |
by Ralph Abercromby
1887 |
Das Wetter [microform] : eine populäre Darstellung der Wetterfolge |
Herdersche Verlagshandlung, |
von Ralph Abercromby aus dem Englischen übersetzt von J.M. Pernter
1894 |
Lectures on anatomy, surgery, and pathology [microform] : including observations on the nature and treatment of local diseases delivered at St. Bartholomew's Hospital |
J. Bulcock, |
by John Abernethy
1828 |
Physiological lectures, exhibiting a general view of Mr. Hunter's physiology and of his researches in comparative anatomy [microform] : delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in the year 1817 |
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, |
by John Abernethy
1817 |
The life and work of James Abernethy, C.E., F.R.S.E. [microform] : past president of the Institution of Civil Engineers |
T. Brettell, |
by his son, John S. Abernethy
1897 |
Aus Kaukasischen Ländern [microform] |
A. Hölder, |
Reisebriefe von Hermann Abich herausgegeben von dessen Witwe
1896 |
Geologische Beobachtungen auf Reisen in den Gebirgsländern zwischen Kur und Araxes [microform] |
Buchdruckerie der Civil-Hauptverwaltung, |
von H. Abich
1867 |
Sur les derniers tremblements de terre dans la Perse septentrionale et dans le Caucase [microform] : ainsi que sur des eaux et des gaz s'y trouvant en rapport avec ces phénomènes |
Académie impériale des sciences], |
par M. Abich
1855 |
Ueber die geologische Natur des armenischen Hochlandes [microform] : Fest-Rede, am 22. August, dem Krönungsfeste ihrer Kaiserlichen Majestäten Nikolai Pawlowitsch und Alexandra Feodorowna im grossen Hörsaale der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat |
H. Laakmann, |
gehalten von Herm. Abich
1843 |
Ueber die Natur und den Zusammenhang der vulkanischen Bildungen [microform] |
F. Vieweg und Sohn, |
von H. Abich
1841 |
Colour measurement and mixture |
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ;"E. & J.B. Young |
by W. de W. Abney published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
,1891" |
Colour vision [microform] : being the Tyndall lectures delivered in 1894 at the Royal Institution |
S. Low, Marston, |
by W. de W. Abney
1895 |
Recueil d'expériences élémentaires de physique [microform] |
Gauthier-Villars, |
publié avec la collaboration de nombreux physiciens par Henri Abraham
1904 |
Les quantités élémentaires d'éléctricité [microform] : ions, électrons, corpuscules |
Gauthier-Villars, |
mémoires réunis et publiés par Henri Abraham et Paul Langevin
1905 |
Theorie der Elektrizität [microform] |
B.G. Teubner, |
2., vollständig umgearb. Aufl. herausgegeben von M. Abraham |
von M. Abraham
1904-1908 |
Tratado de las siete enfermedades [microform] : de la inflammacion vniuersal del higado, zirbo, pyloron, y riñones, y de la obstrucion, de la satiriasi, de la terciana y febre maligna, y passion hipocondriaca : lleva otros tres tratados, del mal de loanda |
Pedro Craesbeeck, |
autor Alexo de Abreu
1623 |
Die Abstammungslehre [microform] : zwölf gemeinverständliche Vorträge über die Deszendenztheorie im Licht der neueren Forschung : gehalten im Winter-Semester 1910/11 im Münchner Verein für Naturkunde |
G. Fischer, |
von O. Abel ... [et al.]
1911 |
Géographie d'Aboulféda [microform] |
Imprimerie nationale, |
traduite de l'arabe en français, et accompagnée de notes et d'éclaircissements par M. Reinaud
1848-1883 |
[De magnis cõniunctionibus] [microform] |
E. Ratdolt, |
Ab Mashar al-Falak
1489 |
Introductorium in astronomiam [microform] : albumasaris abalachi octo continens libros partiales |
E. Ratdolt, |
Ab Mashar al-Falak
1489 |
Tentamina experimentorum naturalium [microform] : captorum in Academia del Cimento sub auspiciis serenissimi principis Leopoldi Magni Etruriae Ducis |
Apud J. et H. Verbeek, |
et ab ejus academiae secretario conscriptorum ex Italico in Latinum sermonem conversa quibus commentarios, nova experimenta, et orationem de methodo instituends experimenta physica addidit Petrus van Musschenbroek
1731 |
Chemical amusement [microform] : comprising a series of curious and instructive experiments in chemistry, which are easily performed and unattended by danger |
T. Boys, |
by Fredrick Accum
1817 |
Description of the process of manufacturing coal gas, for the lighting of streets, houses, and public buildings [microform] : with elevations, sections, and plans of the most improved sorts of apparatus now employed at the gas works ... of Great Britain |
T. Boys, |
Accum, Friedrich Christian
1819 |
Elements of crystallography, after the method of Haüy [microform] : with or without, series of geometrical models, both solid and dissected, exhibiting the forms of crystals, their geometrical structure, dissections and general laws |
Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, |
by Fredrick Accum
1813 |
Physische und chemische Beschaffenheit der Baumaterialien deren Wahl, Verhalten und zweckmässige Anwendung [microform] : ein Handbuch für den öffentlichen Unterricht in der Königlichen Bau-Akademie zu Berlin und zum Selbststudium... |
Bei G. Reimer, |
von Friedrich Accum ..
1826 |
A practical essay on the analysis of minerals [microform] : exemplifying the best methods of analysing ores, earths, stones, inflammable fossils, and mineral substances in general |
Printed for the author [by] G. Kearsley, J. Johnson and J. Callow, |
by Fredrick Accum
1804 |
A practical treatise on gas-light [microform] : exhibiting a summary description of the apparatus and machinery best calculated for illuminating streets, houses, and manufactories, with carburetted hydrogen, or coal-gas : with remarks on the utility, safe |
Printed by G. Hayden for R. Ackermann, |
by Fredrick Accum
1815 |
A practical treatise on the use and application of chemical tests [microform] : with concise directions for analysing metallic ores, metals, soils, manures, and mineral waters … |
Printed for Thomas Boys, |
2nd ed., with plates, enl |
by Frederick Accum
1818 |
A system of theoretical and practical chemistry [microform] |
Printed for the Author, |
by Fredrick Accum
1803 |
System of theoretical and practical chemistry [microform] |
Printed for the author, |
The 2nd ed., considerably enl. and improved |
by Fredrick Accum
1807 |
A treatise on adulterations of food and culinary poisons [microform] : exhibiting the fraudulent sophistications of bread, beer, wine, spirituous liquors, tea, coffee, cream, confectionery, vinegar, mustard, pepper, cheese, olive oil, pickles and other ar |
Printed by J. Mallett and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, |
by Fredrick Accum
1820 |
Divertimento chimico [microform] : contenente una serie di sperienze curiose ed istruttive di chimica che si eseguiscono con facilità e sicurezza |
Per gli Editori Batelli e Fanfani, |
di Federico Accum traduzione fatta sulla terza edizione inglese con note e colla soluzione di diversi problemi fisico-chimici di Giovanni Pozzi
1819-1820 |
Manual de chimica divertida, ou, Novas recreaçoẽs chimicas [microform] : contendo uma serie de experiencias e factos chimicos d'importancia e recreio e um vocabulario de termos chimicos |
J.P. Aillaud, |
ordenadas em inglez por Frederick Accum, Samuel Parkes e Joseph Griffin
1837 |
Reflections on the decline of science in England [microform] : and on some of its causes |
B. Fellowes, |
by Charles Babbage
1830 |