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出版年 |
國際標準號碼 |
Études et lectures sur les sciences d'observation et leurs applications pratiques [microform] |
Mallet-Bachelier, |
par M. Babinet
1855 |
Compendio della fisica dei corpi imponderabili [microform] : contenente oltre l'acustica, un saggio sulla loro natura, la teoria delle loro vibrazioni, la loro applicazione a tutti i fenomeni dell'elettricita' e del magnetismo, della luce e del calore : p |
A spese dell'editore, |
di Babinet e Bailly
1832 |
Manual of British botany [microform] : containing the flowering plants and ferns, arranged according to the natural orders |
John Van Voorst, |
by Charles C. Babington
1851 |
A New system of mineralogy [microform] : in the form of a catalogue, after the manner of Baron Born's systematic catalogue of the collection of fossils of Mlle Eĺeónore de Raab |
The Author, |
by William Babington
1799 |
A systematic arrangement of minerals, founded on the joint consideration of their chemical, physical, and external characters [microform] : reduced to the form of tables, and exhibiting the analysis of such species as have hitherto been made the subject o |
Printed for the Author by T. Bensley, |
by William Babington
1795 |
I fenomeni elettro-magnetici [microform] : a due leggi ridotti : con la loro cagione tolta dall' opinione symmeriana ragiovamento |
Per gli eredi Soliani Typografi reali, |
di Liberato Baccelli
1821 |
L'Alicorno [microform] : nel quale si tratta della natura del'Alicorno & delle sue virtù eccellentissime |
Appresso G. Marescotii, |
discorso dell Andrea Bacci
1573 |
Andreæ Baccii ... De gemmis et lapidibus pretiosis ... : tractatus ... non solum in latinum sermonem conuersus verum etiam ... |
Ex officina M. Beckeri impensis N. Steinii, |
obseruationibus auctior redditus, a Wolfgango Gabelchoueroobseruationibus auctior redditus, a Wolfgango Gabelchoueroobseruationibus auctior redditus, a Wolfgango Gabelchoueroobseruationibus auctior redditus, a Wolfgango Gabelchoueroobseruationibus auctior
1603 |
Le xii pietre pretiose [microform] : le qvali per ordine di Dio nella santa legge, adornaucano i vestimenti del sommo sacerdote : aggivntevi il diamante, le margarite, e l'oro, poste da S. Giouanni nell' Apocalisse, in figura della celeste Gierusalemme : |
Appresso G. Martinelli, |
di Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Baccidi Andrea Bacci
1587 |
Georgii Bach Examen principiorvm quibus recentiores physici opera naturæ male superstruunt [microform] : rerumque aliarum Aristotlei oppositarum : nominatim principiorum mundi, vaporis, spiritus, & lucis, Johannis Amos Comenii |
Typis J. Andreæ, |
Bach, Georgius
1649 |
Studien und Lesefrüchte aus dem Buche der Natur [microform] : für jeden Gebildeten, zunächst für die reifere Jugend und ihre Lehrer |
J.P. Bachem, |
4. Aufl |
von M. Bach
1872-1875 |
Franz von Baader's Sämmtliche Werke [microform] : systematisch geordnete, durch reiche Erläuterungen von der Hand des Verfassers bedeutend vermehrte, vollständige Ausgabe der gedruckten Schriften sammt dem Vachlasse, der Biographie und dem Briefwecel |
H. Bethmann, |
herausgegeben durch einen Verein von Freunden des Verewigten, Franz Hoffmann ... [et al.]
1850-1860 |
Grundriss der Geschichte der Medicin und des heilenden Standes [microform] |
F. Enke, |
von Joh. Hermann Baas
1876 |
Leitfaden der Geschichte der Medicin [microform] |
F. Enke, |
von Joh. Hermann Baas
1880 |
How to invent machinery [microform] |
Vulcan, |
by Charles Babbage edited and supplemented by William H. Atherton
1899 |
The ninth Bridgewater treatise [microform] : a fragment |
J. Murray, |
by Charles Babbage
1837 |
Traité pratique sur l'usage et le mode d'application des réactifs chimiques fondé sur des expériences [microform] : suivi d'instructions, pour l'analyse, des mines métalliques, des métaux, des sols, des engrais, et des eaux minérales |
Chez Méquignon-Marvis, |
par F. Accum traduit de l'anglais, sur la seconde édition (de 1818) par Jn. Riffault
1819 |
A treatise on the art of brewing [microform] : exhibiting the London practice of brewing porter, brown stout, ale, table beer, and various other kinds of malt liquors |
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, |
2nd ed., with copper plates |
by Fredrick Accum
1821 |
Lichenographia universalis [microform] : in qua lichenes omnes detectos, adiectis observationibus et figuris horum vegetabilium naturam et organorum carpomorphorum structuram illustrantibus, ad genera, species, varietates differentiis et observationibus s |
Danckwerts, |
redigit Erik Acharius
1810 |
Synopsis methodica lichenum [microform] : sistens omnes hujus ordinis naturalis detectas plantas, quas, secundum genera, species et varietates disposuit, characteribus et differentiis emendatis definivit, nec non synonymis et observationibus selectis illu |
Litteris et sumptibus Svanborg, |
auctor Erik Acharius
1814 |
Alexandri Achillini Bononiensis philosophi celeberrimi Opera omnia in vnvm collecta [microform] |
Apud Hieronymum Scotum, |
Omnia post primas editiones nunc primum emendatiora in lucem prodeunt |
cvm annotationibvs excellentissimi doctoris Pamphili Montij Bononiensis
1545 |
Annotationes anatomiae magni Alexandri Achillini Bononiensis [microform] |
Per Hieronymum de Benedictis, |
[1st ed.] |
Alessandro Archillini
1520 |
Habes accuratissime lector Alexādri Achillini Bononiensis pbilosopbo... Op[er]a lima eiusce actoris repollita & extersa ac denuo maxima cura ac diligētia īpressa [microform]Habes accuratissime lector Alexādri Achillini Bononiensis pbilosopbo... Op[er]a li |
Mandato & impensis heredū Octauiani Scoti, p[er] Bonetū Locatellū, |
Achillini, Alessandro
1508 |
Tractado de las drogas, y medicinas de las Indias orientales [microform] |
M. de Victoria, |
con sus plantas debuxadas al biuo por Christoual Acosta en el qual se verifica mucho de lo que escrivio el doctor Garcia de Orta
1578 |
Historia natural y moral de las Indios [microform] : en que se tratan las cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas, y animales dellas, y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyes, y gouierno, y guerras de los Indios |
I. de Leon, |
compuesta por Joseph de Acosta
1590 |
The natvrall and morall historie of the East and West Indies [microform] : intreating of the remarkeable things of heaven, of the elements, mettalls, plants and beasts which are proper to that country : together with the manners, ceremonies, lawes, govern |
Printed by Val: Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley, |
written in Spanish by Ioseph Acosta, and translated into English by E.Gwritten in Spanish by Ioseph Acosta, and translated into English by E.Gwritten in Spanish by Ioseph Acosta, and translated into English by E.Gwritten in Spanish by Ioseph Acosta, and t
1604 |
Des aus der Unwissenheits-Finsternus erretteten Natur-Liechts, oder, Der vernünfftigen und kunst-weisen Endledigungen aller würdigsten Wesens-Arten der Natur, Welt-Staats- und Kunst-Veränderungen [microform] : sambt deren Urheben, Umwechslungs-Ursachen, d |
Druckts und verlegts Caspar Brechenmacher, |
Zweyter Druck |
von Stanislao Reinhard Acxtelmeiervon Stanislao Reinhard Acxtelmeiervon Stanislao Reinhard Acxtelmeiervon Stanislao Reinhard Acxtelmeiervon Stanislao Reinhard Acxtelmeiervon Stanislao Reinhard Acxtelmeiervon Stanislao Reinhard Acxtelmeiervon Stanislao Rei
1700-1715 |
Calendarium perpetuum universale, das ist, Immerwährender allgemeiner Calender [microform] : der Natur und Zucht, Kunst und Wissenschaft, Tugend und Gesundheit, Vernunfft und Weisheit, Wirthschafft und Vergnüglichkeit, Erbauung der Gemüts-Ruhe und Pflanzu |
Zu finden bey Johann Leonhard Buggel ..., |
durch Stanislaum Reinhard Acxtelmeierdurch Stanislaum Reinhard Acxtelmeierdurch Stanislaum Reinhard Acxtelmeierdurch Stanislaum Reinhard Acxtelmeierdurch Stanislaum Reinhard Acxtelmeierdurch Stanislaum Reinhard Acxtelmeierdurch Stanislaum Reinhard Acxtelm
1707 |
Field and forest rambles [microform] : with notes and observations on the natural history of eastern Canada |
Henry S. King, |
by A. Leith Adams
1873 |
An essay on electricity [miroform] explaining the principles of that useful science and describing the instruments, contrived either to illustrate the theory, or render the practice entertaining. Illustrated with six plates. To which is added, a letter t |
Printed by J. Dillon, and Co., for, and sold by W. and S. Jones, |
bythe late George Adams
1799 |
Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy [microform] : considered in its present state of improvement: describing in a familiar and easy manner ... |
Printed by J. Dillon and Co. for, and sold by, W. and S. Jones, |
2nd ed., with considerable corrections and additions, by William Jones |
by George Adams
1749 |
Vorlesungen über die Experimental-Physik [microform] : nach ihrem gegenwärtigen Zustande in unterhaltenden und fasslichen Erklärungen der vornehmsten Erscheinungen in der Natur |
Crusius, |
George Adams aus dem Englischen mit einigen Anmerkungen übersetzt von J.G. Geissler
1798-1799 |
Micrographia illustrata, or, The knowledge of the microscope explain'd ... [microform] |
Printed for and sold by the Author, |
by George Adams
1746 |
Astronomical and geographical essays [microform] : containing I. A comprehensive view of the general principles of astronomy, II. The use of the celestial and terrestrial globes, exemplified in a variety of problems which are designed to illustrate the ph |
Printed for the Author by R. Hindmarsh, |
by George Adams
1789 |
An essay on electricity [microform] : in which the theory and practice of that useful science are illustrated by a variety of experiments, arranged in a methodical manner : to which is added an essay on magnetism |
Printed for and sold by the Author, |
by George Adams
1784 |
An essay on vision [microform] : briefly explaining the fabric of the eye and the nature of vision, intended for the services of those whose eyes are weak or impaired, enabling them to form an accurate idea of the true state of their sight, the means of p |
Printed for the author, by R. Hindmarsh, |
by George Adams
1789 |
Essays on the microscope [microform] : containing a practical description of the most improved microscopes : a general history of insects, their transformations, peculiar habits, and œconomy : an account of the various species and singular properties of t |
Printed for the Author, by R. Hindmarsh, |
by George Adams
1787 |
Geometrical and graphical essays [microform] : containing a description of the mathematical instruments used in geometry, civil and military surveying, levelling and perspective with many new problems, illustrative of each branch |
Printed for the Author, |
by George Adams
1791 |
Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy [microform] : considered in it's [sic] present state of improvement : describing in a familiar and easy manner the principal phenomena of nature, and shewing that they all co-operate in displaying the goodne |
Printed by R. Hindmarsh, and sold by the Author, |
by George Adams
1794 |
The genera of recent mollusca [microform] : arranged according to their organization |
John Van Voorst, |
by Henry Adams and Arthur Adams
1858 |
An explanation of the observed irregularities in the motion of Uranus [microform] : on the hypothesis of disturbances caused by a more distant planet : with a determination of the mass, orbit and position of the disturbing body |
W. Clowes, |
by J.C. Adams
1846 |
Lectures on the lunar theory [microform] |
University Press, |
by John Couch Adams edited by R.A. Sampson
1900 |
The scientific papers of John Couch Adams [microform] |
University Press, |
edited by William Grylls Adams with a memoir by J.W.L. Glaisher
1896-1900 |
An oration delivered before the Cincinnati astronomical society, on the occasion of laying the corner stone of an astronomical observatory, on the 10th of November, 1843 [microform] |
Printed by Shepard & co., |
by John Quincy Adams
1843 |
English pleasure carriages [microform] : their origin, history, varieties, materials, construction, defects, improvements, and capabilities: with an analysis of the construction of common roads and railroads, and the public vehicles used on them together |
Charles Knight & Co. Ludgate Street, |
By William Bridges Adams
1837 |
Familles des plantes [microform] |
Vincent, |
par M. Adanson
1763 |
Histoire naturelle du Sénégal [microform] : coquillages : avec la relation abrégrée d'un voyage fait en ce pays, pendant les années 1749, 50, 51, 52 & 53 |
C.-J.-B. Bauche, |
par M. Adanson
1757 |
A voyage to Senegal, the isle of Goreé and the river Gambia [microform] |
Printed for J. Nourse and W. Jonhston, |
by M. Adanson translated from the French, with notes by an English gentleman who resided some time in that country
1759 |
Incipit prologus Adelardi Bathoniensis in suas questiones naturales perdifficiles [microform] |
Johannes de Paderborna, |
Adelard, of Bath
1475?] |
Révolutions de la mer [microform] |
Carilian-Goeury et V. Dalmont, |
par J. Adhémar
1842 |