- 西元1946年12月31日出生於倫敦。
- 西元1958年 12歲
- 西元1964-1968年 18-22歲
College),師從十八世紀英國史知名學者J. H. Plumb教授。與Porter同時入學的還有Simon
M. Young。
- 西元1970年 24歲
與Sue Limb結婚,一生經歷四段婚姻。
- 西元1972~1977年 26~31歲
轉至劍橋大學 Churchill
- 西元1977年 31歲
Making of Geology: Earth Science in Britain, 1660-1815由英國劍橋大學出版社出版。
- 西元1979年 33歲
到倫敦大學衛康醫學史研究所(Wellcome Institute
for the History of Medicine)擔任講師。
- 西元1982年 36歲
專書著作English society in the eighteenth century(《十八世紀英國社會》)由Allen
- 西元1983年 37歲
earth sciences: an annotated bibliography和The
history of medicine: past, present and future出版。
- 西元1987年 41歲
專書著作A social history of madness: stories of the insane、Disease, Medicine and Society in England, 1550-1860以及Mind-forg’d manacles: a history of madness in England from the Restoration to the Regency出版。
- 西元1988年 42歲
專書著作Edward Gibbon: making history出版。
- 西元1989年 43歲
專書著作Healt for sale: quackery in England, 1660-1850出版。
- 西元1990年 44歲
專書著作The Enlightenment出版。
- 西元1991年 45歲
專書著作Doctor of society: Thomas Beddoes and the sick trade in late Enlightenment England出版。
- 西元1993年 47歲
於衛康醫學史學院(Wellcome Institute for
the History of Medicine)擔任社會歷史學教授,並短暫擔任所長。
- 西元1994年 48歲
專書著作London: A Social History出版,該書常被譽為Porter用力最深之代表性著作。同年被推選為英國學術院院士(fellow
of the British Academy),同時也得到honorary
fellow by both the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal
College of Psychiatrists之榮耀。
- 西元1996年 50歲
專書著作The rise and fall of London’s town centres: lessons for the future由Vision for London出版。
- 西元1997年 51歲
專書著作The greatest benefit to mankind: a medical history of humanity from antiquity to the present由HarperCollins出版。
- 西元2000年 54歲
Enlightenment: Britain and the Creation of the Modern World和Science
in the eighteenth century出版。
- 西元2001年 55歲
專書著作Bodies Politic : Disease, Death and Doctors in Britain, 1650-1900和Madmen: a social history of mad-houses, mad-doctors, and lunatics出版。同年九月自衛康醫學史研究所退休。
- 西元2002年 56歲
專書著作Blood and guts: a short history of medicine和Madness : a brief history出版。
- 西元2002年3月3日與世長辭,享年56歲。
A Chronology of Key Events in the
Life of Professor Roy Porter
- 31 December 1946
Professor Roy Porter is born in
- 1958 (12 years old)
Porter grows up in South London and
attends Wilson's School in Camberwell.
- 1964-1968 (18 to 22 years old)
Porter wins a scholarship to Christ's
College, Cambridge, where he studies under J. H. Plumb. His
contemporaries include Simon Schama and Andrew Wheatcroft.
He achieves a double starred first and becomes a Junior
Fellow in 1968, studying under Robert M. Young and lecturing
on the British Enlightenment.
- 1970 (24 years old)
Porter marries Sue Limb in 1970. He
will marry four times during the course of his life.
- 1972~1977 (26 to 31 years old)
In 1972, Porter moves to Churchill
College as the Director of Studies in History and later
becomes Dean of the College in 1977. He graduates from
Cambridge with a Ph.D. in 1974 and publishes a thesis on the
history of geology as a scientific discipline. He is then
appointed to the post of Assistant Lecturer in European
History at Cambridge University and is promoted to Lecturer
in European History in 1977.
- 1977 (31 years old)
Porter’s first book,
The Making of Geology: Earth
Science in Britain, 1660-1815,is published by
Cambridge University Press.
- 1979 (33 years old)
Porter leaves Cambridge to join the
Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London, as a
lecturer in the social history of medicine. This marks the
first appointment of a social historian to a post at the
- 1982 (36 years old)
Porter’s book: English society in the eighteenth centuryis, published by
Allen Lane.
- 1983 (37 years old)
The earth sciences: an annotated bibliography and The history of medicine: past, present and future, are published.
- 1987 (41 years old)
A Social History of Madness: the World through the Eyes of the Insaneis published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Disease, Medicine and Society in England, 1550-1860, is published by Macmillan Education, and Mind-forg’d manacles: a history of madness in England from the Restoration to the Regency, is published by Athlone.
- 1988 (42 years old)
Edward Gibbon: making history,is published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson.- 1989 (43 years old)
Health for sale: quackery in England, 1660-1850,is published by Manchester University Press.
- 1990 (44 years old)
The Enlightenment, is published by Macmillan
- 1991 (45 years old)
Doctor of society: Thomas Beddoes and the sick trade in late Enlightenment England is published by Routledge.
- 1993 (47 years old)
Porter becomes Professor of Social History at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine. He also briefly serves as the Institute’s Director.
- 1994 (48 years old)
London: a social history, is published by Hamish Hamilton. Porter is elected a fellow of the British Academy and is made an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
- 1996 (50 years old)
The rise and fall of London’s town centres: lessons for the future, is published by Vision for London.
- 1997 (51 years old)
The greatest benefit to mankind: a medical history of humanity from antiquity to the present, is published by HarperCollins.
- 2000 (54 years old)
The Enlightenment: Britain and the Creation of the Modern World, is published by Allen Lane and
Science in the eighteenth century. is published by Cambridge University Press.
- 2001 (55 years old)
Bodies Politic: Disease, Death and Doctors in Britain, 1650-1900and Madmen: a social history of mad-houses, mad-doctors, and lunatics, are published. Porter retires in September and moves to the Sussex coast, hoping to learn the axophone, cultivate his allotment and travel.
- 2002 (56 years old)
Blood and guts: a short history of medicineand Madness: a brief history are published.
- 3 March 2002
Professor Roy Porter passes away at the age of 56.
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